Welcome to my website. This is my primary hub for online presence and communication.

Man wearing sunglasses and a jean jacket inside a tiny train meant for children with a smiling little girl.

I am the Assistant Director for Instructional Technology at the Louisiana State University Law Center. I also teach courses in the College of Human Sciences and Education at Louisiana State University. I earned a doctorate in educational leadership and research with a concentration in educational technology from Louisiana State University.

My community, university, and professional service keeps me busy. I serve on the Board of Directors at the Louisiana Partnership for Children and Families. I am actively involved in a variety of campus committees including serving as the Chair of the LSU Learning and Teaching Collaborative. I also serve on the Accessibility Committee for the Association of Educational Communications and Technology. I served as an office in the Legal Innovation and Technology Special Interest Section for the American Association of Law Libraries.

I love teaching and working with students! Since 2017, I have designed and taught several classes. In Introduction to Classroom Technology, my undergraduate students and I created professional websites, use Creative Commons licenses to share content, and use digital storytelling for educational purposes. In Information Literacy Instruction, online graduate students in the Library and Information Science program use systematic instructional design to help library patrons with information needs. In Design and Development of Multimedia Units, online graduate students develop multimedia for learning scenarios. I have also taught Educational Technology Evaluation and Assessment, a project-focused course designed to help students draft a proposal to evaluate an educational program.

More recently, I began teaching courses related to legal technology, including Law Practice Technology and Legal Analytics and Generative AI for Lawyers.

I live in Baton Rouge, LA with my family. We love to travel together and are always making plans to do so. But I also enjoy watching films when I can and swimming as much as possible.